Lynnda Wardle

fiction â–ª poetry â–ª memoir
Lynnda was born in Johannesburg and has lived in Glasgow since 1998. She is interested in personal stories and how we make sense of our identities in the places we come to call home. Her own experiences of family, adoption and immigration are the material she draws on when telling stories about identity and belonging.
Her work has appeared in various publications and anthologies including Coin, Extra Teeth, Gutter, The Earth is Our Home, New Writing Scotland, thi wurd, New Orleans Review, Poetry Scotland and Tales from a Cancelled Country.
In 2007 Lynnda was awarded a Creative Scotland New Writer's award and was short-listed for the Fish Memoir prize, 2022. Her poem 'spell to dismantle the patriarchy' was commended in the Magma Poetry competition 2024.
She is a Scottish Book Trust Live Literature author and collaborates with others in facilitating writing workshops; including a series, the Writer's Kitchen, bringing food and memories of food to the table; and workshops as part of the Water Stories project.
Lynnda is part of the DeathWrites network (with Glasgow University) and the 2023 off-page collective (working with visual poetry) @offpagevispo
She has completed a memoir 'Her Blue Eye, Mine' based on her experiences of growing up adopted in apartheid South Africa and is currently studying for an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Glasgow.