What will we do today?
A coffee with an iced bun
at the Atrium?
Then, a walk along the Cart
full and flowing fast
snowdrops relentlessly cheerful
as storm Otto gusts in
and the memory of autumn walks
as heady as woodsmoke –
(we talked of moving here and meant it)
Next, a slow drive up the Campsie Fells
to the Tak Ma Doon viewpoint
with Glasgow spread below like a picnic blanket.
Finally, a late lunch at the James Watt dock
red brick sugarsheds and cranes
your boyhood welded
to this land and seascape, the view across the firth
your joy. We will hold hands
(still a thinning)
and think of how lucky we are,
we were.
Just read your poem out to Mike - lovely rhythm to it - it’s set him off thinking about all his friends who died over the last few years. You really conjure Billy up here in the places and landscapes you both loved. And the intimacy of your relationship and plans for the future. Poignant and full of life at the same time.